Russell Baldwin (2025)
Legal & Insurance and Safety Enforcement Committees- Chair
(Ann Clough Co-Chair)
Lake Patrol Safety Enforcement and Sanitation Committees - Chair
(Dave Johnson Co-Chair)
Michelle Bearden (2026)
Finance, Insurance, & Property Taxes
Committee - Chair
(Jenny Buhl Co-Chair)
Thomas Sidener (2026)
Roads & Dam Common Grounds Committee Chair
( Ron Schultz Co-Chair)
Legal & Insurance - Chair, and Water & Land Safety Enforcement Committees- Chair
Jenny Buhl (2026)
Ann Clough (2027)
Anne Dorman (2027)
Leasehold Ground Committee Chair
(Russ Baldwin Co-Chair)
Valerie Jagiela (2025)
Water Quality Committee Chair
(Anne Dorman Co-Chair)
Bylaws, Rules & Regulations /NFPC Status Committee Chair
(Ron Schultz and Russ Baldwin Co-Chairs)
Dave Johnson (2025)
Ron Schultz (2027)
Building & Construction Permits Committee Chair
(Tom Sidener Co-Chair)
Jenny Buhl (2026)
Amy Walkenbach
Ronald Coyle
Please contact the office regarding any Sunset Lake maintenance needs.
John Kemp - P (2024)
Russell Baldwin - VP (2025)
Jenny Buhl - Sec (2026)
Michelle Bearden - T (2026)
Jerry Winterland (2024)
Dave Johnson (2024)
Valerie Jagiela (2025)
Thomas Sidener (2026)
Brady Hahn through January
Joe Kovacs through February
John Kemp - P
Joe Kovacs - VP
Brady Hahn - Sec
Susan Muschong - T
Michelle Bearden
Ed Richno
Jerry Winterland
Russell Baldwin
Gary Wilken - April
Kim Gooding through March
Thane Johnson - P
Joyce Munie - VP
Joe Kovacs - Sec
Susan Muschong - T
Harold Bly
Michelle Bearden
Ed Richno
Jerry Winterland
John Kemp
Joyce Munie - P
Gary Wilken - VP
Amy Walkenbach - Sec
Susan Muschong - T
Harold Bly
Michelle Beardon
Thane Johnson
Jerry Winterland
Ed Richno
Gary Wilken- P
Thane Johnson - VP
Amy Walkenbach - Sec
Susan Muschong - T
Mark Stevens
Randy Smith
Harold Bly
Joyce Munie
Dennis Denney
Deb Martin – P
Thane Johnson – VP
Amy Walkenbach – Sec
Gary Wilken – T
Joyce Munie
Sue Muschong
Mark Severns
Bill Urban
Randy Smith
John Kemp - P
Norm Brand - VP
Debbie Thompson - T
Bill Urban
Roger Winterland
Mike Colbrook
Bob Sons
Dan Duncan
Bill Walkenbach
John Kemp - P
Norm Brand - VP
Bob Sons - Treasurer
Bill Urban
Mike Colbrook
Bill Walkenbach
Jim Finchum
Paul Hitako
Dan Duncan
John Kemp - P
Norm Brand - VP
Bob Sons - T
Bill Urban
Bill Walkenbach
Mike Colbrook
Dan Duncan
Jim Finchum
Ken Jones
Bob Sons - P
Jim Finchum - VP
Cheryl Stine - T
Bill Urban
Bill Walkenbach
Mike Colbrook
Norm Brand
John Kemp
Ken Jones
Bob Sons - P
Norm Brand - VP
Cheryl Stine - T
Bill Urban
Bill Walkenbach
Mike Colbrook
Jim Seggelke
Ken Jones
John Kemp
Bob Sons - P
Jim Seggelke
Norm Brand
Mike Colbrook
Bill Urban
John Kemp
Cheryl Stine
Ken Jones
Steve Kolsto Until March 2013
Bill Walkenbach April 2013
Bob Sons - P
Norm Brand - VP
Cheryl Stine - T
Bill Urban
Steve Kosto
Mike Colbrook
Jim Seggelke
Ken Jones
John Kemp
Bob Sons - P
Sam Lamendola
Mike Colbrook
John Kemp
Cheryl Stine
Norman Brand
Tony Paquette
Jim Seggelke
Steve Kolsto Until May 2011
Bill Urban June 2011
Bob Sons- P
Norm Brand - VP
Cheryl Stine - T
Sam Lamendola
Steve Kolsto
Mike Colbrook
John Kemp
Jim Seggelke
Tony Paquette
.President Bob Sons
George Toepfer,
Steve Kolsto,
John Kemp,
Sam Lamendola,
Jim Seggelke &
Tony Paquette.
Cheryl Stine &
Norman Brand
Bob Sons - P
Norm Brand - VP
Cheryl Stine - T
Sam Lamendola
Steve Kolsto
George Toepfer
John Kemp
Robert Gomora
Tony Paquette
Bob Sons - P
Norm Brand - VP
Cheryl Stine - T
Sam Lamendola
Steve Kolsto
George Toepfer
John Kemp
Robert Gomora
Tony Paquette
Bob Sons - P
Norm Brand - VP
Cheryl Stine - T
Sam Lamendola
Steve Kolsto
George Toepfer
John Munchalfen
Kate Steigerwald
Tony Paquette
John Schwandner - P
Bob Sons - VP
Cheryl Stine - T
John Munchalfen
Steve Kolsto
George Toepfer
Rick Whitehead
John Earley
Kate Steigerwald
James Dorr - P
Tom Erickson - VP
Allan Sharp - T
Joe Dinora
Bob Sons
George Toepfer
John Schwandner
Ernie Neumann
Rick Whitehead
James Dorr - P
Tom Erickson - VP
George Madiar - T
Bob Sons
George Toepfer
Allan Sharp
Joe Dinora
Ernie Neumann
Rick Whitehead
James Dorr - P
Tom Erickson - VP
George Madiar - T
Bob Sons
Dennis Denney
Allan Sharp
Ken Volz
Ernie Neumann
Rick Whitehead
Joe Clevenger - P
Ken Volz - VP
George Madiar - T
John Muchalfen
Ray Reardon
Allan Sharp
Bob Sons
Rick Whitehead
Ernie Neumann
Lou Long - P
Ed Smith - VP
George Madiar - T
John Munchalfen
Ray Reardon
Joe Clevenger
Al Tretter
John Earley
Ken Volz
Lou Long - P
Bob Hanauer - VP
George Madiar - T
John Schwandner
Ray Reardon
Ed Smith
John Earley
Al Tretter
Ken Volz
Lou Long - P
Bob Hanauer - VP
George Madiar - T
Pete McCoy
Ray Reardon
Ed Smith
John Earley
Al Tretter
Ken Volz
Lou Long - P
Bob Hanauer - VP
Sharon Lindsay - T
Pete McCoy
Ray Reardon
George Madiar
John Earley
Al Tretter
David Beck
Lou Long - P
Bob Hanauer - VP
Sharon Lindsay - T
Pete McCoy
Ray Reardon
Ken Phillips
Al Tretter
Ken Phillips
John Earley
.Ray Reardon
Ken Phillips
Bob Fish
Al Tretter
Lou Long
John Earley
Frank Gibbons
Sharon Lindsay
Bob Hanauer